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Saturday, April 17, 2010

The closer you get the flame the hotter you feel.....

Well as my semester winds down here at my home Uni, I begin to feel more nervous and excited about my adventure. I begin to daydream more and more about my new life as a temporary German citizen. I begin to worry about all the usual things kids worry about when they are going to a new place on their own. "Will I like it there?" "Will I make friends?" and other such things. But then some special concerns come to my mind as well like "Will people be able to understand my German?" Will I understand them?" "How many times will I have cultural misunderstandings or embarrass myself?" "What do they think of Americans?"

But then I sit back and take look around and think, why worry? Its not in my control, its in the hands of fate, God, the universe, or whatever you believe. The only thing I can do is take things  in-stride and as they come. I will have times when I want to be somewhere else on earth and times when I want to be no where else on earth.

I have two wonderful friends in Germany, who I know will have my back no matter what. I have many friends here who will always be here for me. I have 4 wonderful siblings, brother-in-law, and step-father. Whom I am both proud and sometimes embarrassed to call my family. ;-) I have a mother who, I love with everything in my heart. Without her and  my fathers fantastic job of loving and supporting me, I wouldn't have the courage and strength to do this. I have my dad to thank for all the financial support and for encouraging me to go, and keeping my sense of adventure and wonder alive and well.