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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Welcome to the First Edition of: Trying to Explain American things to Germans!!!

As you all know, there are certain ideas, concepts and things that exist in one culture but not another. The following are a few of the many failed attempts to explain American things to German people.

Professor: What is a"bean-bag chair"?
Ben: Its basically a trash bag filled little plastic beans....
Prof: Huh? Thats sounds horrible..why would you all sit on that?
Ben:...uh....Your right that does sound bad....but its not!

Me: Its a running gag we have.
Anna: 0_o? What?
Me: Running means continuous. And gag is another name for a joke. So its a continuous joke.
Anna: But doesn't Gag mean someone is choking? Why would you use it for the word "joke"?

Kat: She was sassy today! lol
Grammar Prof: Sassy?
Kat: hum........(Several thousands adjectives and examples later)
Prof: I still don't understand
Kat: Yea me neither....
(Yeah, you  try to come up a concrete definition for that)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Photos from my vist with Johanna!

The cute Couple!!!!! Marian + Johanna

Johanna at the resutrant

Johanna and Ich

Modeling Shoot! LOL

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Life is crazy sometimes!

Life is Crazy

You don’t expect to feel like you are sisters with a stranger with whom you lived with for only 6 days.
You don’t expect this stranger’s city to feel like yours.
You don’t expect this stranger’s home to be the most comfortable and welcoming place you have been in a long time. 
You don’t expect to look forward to getting up early, to go to a school that you don’t even attend.
And lastly, you don’t expect to cry when you even think about this stranger and your time with her.

Johanna Marx affected me more than words can express in either English or German.  She helped me learn about all aspects about German life. I learned a lot about dating in Germany, and how a lot of the boys are shy and you need to be the one to talk to them. She showed her school and how it is a complete 360 from the American school. Kids are allowed to talk during the exams and while the teacher talks!!! So crazy! I learned about how hard it can be to learn English. I got the privilege to sit in on her English course. Wow, I admire these kids a lot. She taught me to feel okay about myself. I haven’t felt truly okay about myself in a long time, ever since I arrived. I always felt like my German wasn’t ever good enough. But patiently she helped me as I awkwardly stumbled my way through every sentence I spoke. Now, thanks to her, I am a little bit more confident in my German. I also though that my appearance wasn’t good enough for germany. She convinced me otherwise. She took me shopping and found me a wonderful outfit!! She was honest but best way possible, she told me about how my long pants looked horrible, or my shirts were too short. Which this advice was needed for me.  I even got some attention at  Marian’s birthday party (even though it was unwanted) lol.

If I had to sum up my week with Johanna in one sentence its this: You don’t need to speak the same language to understand each other.